Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Saturday Moville

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

Sunday Moville

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

One Life to Live

You get one pass at life.

That's all.

Only one.

And the lasting measure of that life is Jesus Christ.

From Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper p.13

Monday, August 30, 2010

Report from Moville, Iowa Rodeo #1 2010-2011 Season

We survived our first high school rodeo....no....we more than survived....we thrived!

Lots to learn at this one. Being a newbie, there was so much information to try and catch. I think we got the gist of what might be going on.

The weather was just perfect. Warm days but not hot. Cool nights where you needed a sweatshirt. Everyone ate and slept well. These were some of our successes.

The wind blew quite a bit though. Guess that's northern Iowa for you?

Loved the windmills, those huge turban -type along the interstates. They are so amazing to watch. They look so lonely. There is something kind of solitaire and sad about them.

It's nice to have teen drivers. 4 people who can share the wheel. It made the 6 1/2 hour drive more tolerable for us all. We left at 10:00 pm and arrived at 4 am. Cole and Stu put our tent up in the dark and we all caught a few hours of precious sleep.

Stu and I got the biggest kick out of these people's morning rudeness. We'd say hi and wave and smile and they would just look at us and not say a word. Like, hello, we just said hi to you. Could you say hi back? Nope. Nothing. Really made us giggle. We vowed we would be polite, smiling, and happy regardless.

We're sure this is where God wants us currently. Can't say that I would have picked this for myself. We are such nobody's at these events. The people are often rough and hard to even get a smile out of.

We did make some new friends this weekend. A break-through. I'm used to making friends easily. These people have been hard to crack.

The amount of time we are able to spend together as a family is such a plus. One of the main reasons we took this adventure was because we'd all be together. Not one boy here playing basketball, another boy there rodeoing, yet another sibling taking soccer, ect.

In this sport we are all together. I love that. We talk, and laugh, and get to spend such precious time together as a family. I know all to soon that the older ones are going to be trying to fly the nest. I TREASURE this extra time with them on the weekends.

Tori and I had one critical oversight. Each of us thought that the other had packed Nevie's clothes. OOpppss..We ended up not having anything for her but the t-shirt and jeans that she wore up on Friday evening.

Lots of accidents this first time around. Not sure what the reason was or if there really was one. The stock was rough and tough. The bulls maybe a little too much so in my opinion.

One saddle bronc rider fell on his neck and separated some of his neck vertebrates. He laid out in the arena knocked out and unmoving long enough for people to begin to wonder if we had just watched a MAJOR accident. He was taken by ambulance, released, and rode the next day. Whoossh! I think I'd have loaded Cole in the car and we'd of been heading home if that had been us. I question if I'm tough enough for this sport. Guess this is where I lay down being tough enough myself and let God be glorified through me in this weakness.

A junior mini bull rider (yes, they can ride Junior High Rodeo in 6th grade) rode one of those big rank bulls. Rode it till the end. Upon his dismount he was kicked in the chest. He was taken by ambulance to the ER as well. Suspicions of broken ribs and a punctured lung. I never did hear an update from that young man. Makes me shudder. Tallis said, "Mom, promise me one thing. If I ever get hurt bad like Bailey just did, that you won't make me stop riding bulls. Please mom. That would be the worst ever."

Huh? I truly, truly, as a woman/mother just don't understand.

One bullfighter had his hamstring ripped by a bull stepping on him. Ambulance and ER for him.

The replacement bullfighter had a seizure right out in the arena. Shaking, puking, a major seizure. Stu said he would seizure too if he had to bullfight those bulls.

The bullfighters are just amazing to watch. The ones I mean, who really understand what their job is as a bullfighter, and who will honor it at all costs.

John 15:13 - Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

This scripture kept going through my mind again and again as I watched these men protect and save the riders at the cost of their own safety. What a beautiful picture of great love even if they didn't realize that they were portraying it. As a Christian, I could see it so clearly. I sat in the stands praising Jesus for His life that He laid down for me.

It was a good weekend for Cole. He covered both his rides and scored both times. His scores were low. They judge hard here! He'll need to score higher as he continues to ride but this weekend put him out in front with a nice points lead. It was a good way to start things out.

Cowboy Church on Sunday morning: Our speaker had chosen to have service outside in the bleachers by the arena. The morning was beautiful. The sun was hitting this large corn field to the south of the arena and made the entire horizon glitter like gold. Almost magical to look at. The sun felt warm on our faces and the breeze ruffled our hair....as if it were teasing.

Slowly, a small section of the bleachers filled with families coming to a Sunday gathering. It was so encouraging to see other believers, people who chose to get up early so as not to miss the chance to hear about our Savior and to gather on the Lord's Day, come together in this somewhat rough place.

The cowboy who was to speak brought us together in prayer and began to talk about his walk with Christ.

It was genuine.

It was not religious.

His eyes filled with tears, he had to blow his nose, and his chin shook with emotion as he spoke about laying down his own life to follow Christ.

He encouraged us to PLEASE don't forget God. He is our Creator. How could we forget?

He admonished us if people couldn't clearly see the light of Christ in our eyes and in our faces. He urged us to pray with each other and to take our walk seriously.

I loved it.

Afterwords, I seen his young son of about age 6 come up to him and say, "Dad, your chin was shaking again. I saw your chin shaking again."

His dad ruffled his son's hair and said, "Yes, son. When I talk about Jesus like that my chin often shakes."

Wow....I want my chin to shake when I talk about Christ too!! Know what I mean? It was so evident that this man was filled with such a desire to share what Christ had done for us all and for others to 'wake up' and live like they understood the sacrifice that was made.

Enough for now.

Next week is Larchwood. 7 1/2 hour drive.

Looking forward to what God has in store for us there.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Outsiders

Anyone care to guess what our first week's literature choice was? So who do you think is who? Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis, Darry Curtis, Dallas Winston?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Day of School Pictures 2010-11

These two are Juniors this year. The sand is running out for me. I am pleased with their devotion to Christ and how it is reflected daily in their lives. Colton Stuart has picked up High School Rodeo to round out his academics this year.

Here are my darling upper elementary aged students. Tallis Dayne is in 4th grade and his sister Victoria IvaMae Rose is in 5th. This stage is one of my favorites. There is no pressure to get them reading because we've crossed that hurdle all ready. The subjects they are learning don't stretch my brain and they are so eager to learn and please.

This is my younger crowd. Maison Christine Elizabeth is a full fledged Kindergartener while Zayne Cael follows along behind her getting what he can at his age. Nevaeh Mistina Fay is right in the middle of it all. When I have Maisi and Zayne stand up to recite their memory verses she jumps up off of her blanket and yells me, me, me!!! Then proceeds to tell me her baby talk version of Psalms 117 verse 2.

Stu insisted that the teacher needed to be in the class photo.

Wyatt Austin's sparkling personality keeps our school day light and joyful. Hard to be upset or overly serious with this firecracker around. (Good luck to any teacher that might have him in an outside class this year. I will pray for you. You'll need some extra energy to keep up with this one. But you won't want for a smile:)

Tori said there was no way she could open her eyes with the sun shining directly into them but Wyatt was sure this would be the best school photo ever with this back drop.

I pray for spiritual strength, physical strength, and mental strength for this upcoming year. Week #1 has proved to be an absolute delight. I love their hearts. I love it that I am able to spend such wonderful quality time with them. I love to read to them and with them. I love to share in our learning together.

Thank you God for giving me more in my life than I could ever have asked for. Thank you for knowing what is best for us. I can do all things through Your Son who strengthens me.

The Law and the Promise--Freedom in Christ

I am still turning over the Book of Galatians in my daily Bible study time. I've been here for two months now. It's amazing how rich the Bible is. Seriously, it blows my mind at how awesome our God is. Like every book of the Bible I feel like I could read Galatians for the rest of my life and see new things and have plenty to think and ponder in my walk with Christ.

In the Kay Arthur study guide that I am using along with my Bible, there is always a thought for the week. I wanted to post this week's thought because I keep thinking about it.

I just finished up a week on Chapter 4 comparing Hagar's Son with Sarah's son; freedom versus bondage. Adoption: from slave to son and since a son an heir.

She states, "There is nothing more debilitating in your relationship with God than to think you please God only when you keep your own little spiritual list of do's and don'ts or someone else's list which has been imposed on you. When you feel God will only bless you when you don't cross any of your man-made religious boundaries, you live in bondage to legalism or to the law.

If you belong to God through faith in Jesus Christ, then, my friend, you are a beloved child of God. You are His heir forever. You are the child of the free woman. Jerusalem is your home. You are not under condemnation. God's blessing for you is that of grace, not performance. You are an heir according to God's unchangeable promise. The Holy Spirit dwells within you and will never leave you nor forsake you. You will live with God forever and ever. You will never be cast out. So cast out the bondwoman and her son. You are under grace not law, and when you walk in that grace you will be all you should and can be. Grace doesn't make you lawless; it simply sets you free from bondage God's way, so you can live a life that is pleasing to God."

Monday, August 23, 2010

IHSRA Fall Schedule 2010

Moville 8/28/10 - 8/29/10

Larchwood 9/5/10 - 9/6/10

Osceola 9/18/10 - 9/19/10

Manchester 9/25/10 - 9/26/10

Waterloo 10/9/10 - 10/10/10

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Downing Rodeo

Downing Rodeo was a disappointment to Cole. He drew a large strong bucking horse and right away knew that he had a good chance at taking home the money this weekend. The score to beat was a 69 from the previous night. The money pot was over $300.

He rode his required 8 seconds, but to everyone's dismay the Judges were in a disagreement over his 'mark out.' A mark out is where the rider's spurs are to be right upon the shoulders of his horse as he exits the gate. Cole's never missed his mark out before, and tonight was really not the night to do so!

A missed his mark out was called, and with that Cole lost his dream of the $$$$$. He took home a no score. The ride would have beat the 69 score if only it had qualified.

I was proud that he remained calm and under control. He went to pick up his rigging from the back chutes and found that the chute helpers had cut off his latigo. That is the long leather strap that holds his rigging to the horse. Instead of untying it, they had just cut it off with their knives simply because of laziness and no respect for his equipment.

Cole works hard all week to pay for his rodeoing. He pays for all his own equipment. He can't ride without a full length latigo, which he needs for next weekend. He'll have to replace that out of his own pocket now.

The video has been passed around to many hands. Not sure if he missed his mark out or not. He'd sure like to know to make sure that this never happens again. He feels like he had it. However, now knows that he can leave no error into the judges being able to call it otherwise.

The kids were tickled to have their friends AND the mud to play in. This is a small taste of what us mother's had to deal with as we loaded them into the cars. Mud, mud, everywhere was mud.

Not a place for flip flops, mind you:) If you didn't wear your boots, vendors were there to sell you a pair. (Okay, an inside joke to my flip flop friend...giggle.)

Colton is looking into riding High School Rodeo this fall. A college rodeo scout has been given Cole's name to come and watch this coming season. Big, dollar scholarships if they want you to come and ride for their college team. We'll see....he is still trying to sort out what he wants to do with his life and what God has planned for him.

If you think of rodeos or horses send a prayer up for Cole and our family. It would be appreciated.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Undecision and Procrastination

What not to do as a seasoned homeschooler who should know better.......wait to order your foreign language choice for the new school year so that you receive it the Saturday afternoon before the Monday your school starts.

Sigh....I sit here with 3 Latin currics wondering where to begin. I know better than this.....but I just couldn't make up my mind on what choice I was going to go with this year.

As a side note.....they all look 'really good.' Smile.....I feel I chose well for us. Maybe it was worth the wait?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New School Room Pics

Here's a few snapshots (that didn't turn out to well...ugh digital cameras) of our new home school room.

We've remodeled this summer and flipped the dining room and living room spaces.

Plans for a kitchen and laundry room switch to come this winter.

The new rooms feel so 'right.' Like how come we never did this long before now?

With all book reorganized and all shelving in new homes, we are finally settled in.

Having the new room to school in is adding to the children's excitement as they anticipate their first day of school next Monday.

Can I tell you that having all our books and supplies organized in such a fun new way has built my excitement too?

MOTH Schedule for 2010-2011

Frantically, I've been working this week on putting together from scratch some kind of order and sanity as our school year officially starts this coming Monday. I've chosen to use Terri Maxwell's Managers of Their Homes this year.

I don't think I've used a full fledged colored tabs MOTH chart since Tori was in Kindergarten.

Funny, how that comes full circle.

Maisi starts Kindergarten this year and my security in teaching five children in three different stages of learning comes in the form of this organizational tool.

The other years I've used various forms of scheduling which are 'looser' but yet still gives us some structure.

With a Visionary husband, over-scheduling has never been a good option for our family. To balance this, our day while Stu is gone is a lot more structured than the evenings when he is home.

I've got to admit, I'm excited. Really excited about school starting.

We gave our schedule a trial run yesterday.

WoW! What a difference. So much got done with such little whining.

The schedule 'said' we had to do it, so there was not balking at the work.

The only problem I foresee, is laziness on my part. It just feels good to do what I want. Know what I mean?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Teenagers,Dads, Guns, and Pain

This is a hard one for me to figure out as a mom. Why would teenage boys along with some of their fathers play paint ball war with newly hard non-breaking paint balls that leave large raised welts all over the body when hit?

Then, why would they sit around and brag about how fearless they were as they counted the welts all over their bodies? Cole was proud to announce 22 welted hits. Oh, correction, he just said he had 35. Excuse me.


A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

This is one of those pictures that is worth a thousand words!

Using some picture appreciation skills I've learned from Charlotte Mason, let me explain to you the depth and layers to what you are viewing.

Notice how the clock shows 9:30? A dear friend has just arrived for a much needed visit and my daughter has not yet had her breakfast. My friend's daughter is also 'starving' for her second breakfast.

We decide to give them both some instant oatmeal as a cure to their hunger.

INSTANT OATMEAL...............

I make this at our home almost daily. We all but live on it as a quick snack around here. A healthy choice in my eyes and so simple to fix. Only takes a minute or so in the microwave.

Notice how one bowl of oatmeal in the picture is like an oatmeal soup while the other is an exploded volcano of oatmeal goo?

Both bowls went in individually for the same amount of time.

Notice the coffee pot in the background? This would mean that my friend arrived and I got busy talking with her....too busy to drink my morning coffee......which might explain the oatmeal disaster??

Both girls ate their oatmeal appreciatively. Thank you girls.

They are used to their mother and her friend's crazy talking and laughing at the cost of their attentiveness to parenting......and so the oatmeal was what suffered this time and we happened to catch it on camera.

Really, Shonya, we should have had the girls take a picture of our huge smiling faces. I was so glad you brought your kiddos over for a 'way too short' morning visit.

Missing you now that I posted this. Come and see me!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Curricululm Choices for 2010-2011--Unit 1 TOG

I don't think I can lose this if I post it here. Much better than writing it on post it notes and then misplacing them. Giggle.

Cole and Wyatt 11th grade Juniors

TOG- (Unit Study Including History, Geography, Literature/Poetry, Government, Church History, World View, Philosophy, Fine Arts, and Writing)

Unit 1 Napoleon's World

The dominant thread, or theme of Year 3 will be 'sowing and reaping.' Humanist thinking has been tended and nurtured since the Renaissance, while the Word of God has been largely neglected. As we study history this year will be watching in dismay as again and again men choose to sow in the flesh and walk in the light of their own torches.

Key Year 3 Verses
Galatians 6:7-9 Do not be deceived: God is cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction.; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Isaiah 50:10-11 Who among you fears the Lord and obeys the word of his servant: Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God. But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches, go walk in the light of your fires and of the torches you have set ablaze. This is what you shall receive from my hand; You will lie down in torment.

Weekly Topics for Unit 1 (10 weeks to complete using Living Historical Books, Biographies, and Primary Source Documents)
French Revolution
Industrial Revolution
German Idealism replaces the Enlightenment
Supreme Court
Jefferson Democracy/Jeffersonian Age
War of 1812
Great Little Madison
Simon Bolivar and South America
James Monroe and the Monroe Doctrine
Congress of Vienna
Congress System

The Tale of Two Cities
The Scarlett Pimpernel
The Outsiders
Beethoven Lives Upstairs
1776 The Musical
West Side Story
Pride and Prejudice

Literature Choices:
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emma Orczy
Poetry by William Blake
Poetry by William Wordsworth
The Giver by Lois Lowry
God Smuggler by Brother Andrew
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christy
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Romantic Poets (Various)
Faust by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Historical Living Books
John Adams Public Servant
Tale of Two Cities (adapted)
Sightseers Paris 1789
Robert Fulton From Submarine to Steamboat
The Battle of Waterloo
The Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier
The Gift of Music
The Industrial Revolution
Frontier Living
The Supreme Court
If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution
Shh! We're Signing the Constitution
Thomas Jefferson Architect of Democracy
America in the Time of Lewis and Clark
Beyond the Mississippi
The Jefferson Way
The Great Little Madison
The War of 1812
James Madison Fourth Pres. of the USA
The Congress of Vienna
James Monroe Fifth Pres of the USA
Abraham Lincoln's World

Animal Science with Lab
Unit 1 Physiology
Cellular Biology and Animal Taxonomy
Biology of Growth and Development
Muscle and Meat Biology
Biology of Digestion
Biology of Reproduction
Ethology Animal Behavior and Welfare

Algebra II with Dive DVD's


Daily Devotions from SAT for the Christian Student
Scripture from TOG
Daily Scripture Memory/Review
Translations of Old Testament Latin/English/Latin

English 11
Communications Class (outside class)
Writing Aids Year 11/TOG:
Review Writing Process
Improving Editing and Proofing
Reviewing Sentences
Building Paragraphs
Improving Your Style
Taking Reading and Lecture Notes
Analytical Essays
Study Skills
Expository Essays/Tests
College Application Essays

The Federalist Papers
God and Government Volume II Developing a Biblical Worldview by Gary de Mar
TOG-Kant, Rationalism, Empiricism, Descartes, Locke, Hume, Schleiermacher, liberalism, cult of progress, Hegel, Marxism, Communism, Neitszche, James Mill, Utilitarianism

Lingua Biblica (Old Testament Latin Translations)
Book of Roots (Advanced Vocabulary from Latin Roots)

ACT Prep
Barrons ACT Prep Book
ACT in a box
SAT for the Christian Student

Fine Arts
KAHS Drama Club
Neo CLassical Art, Music, and Painting
Baroque Period Music
Romantic Movement
Jefferson's Monticello
Francis Scott Key
South American/Latin Art
Franz Schubert
Frederic Chopin
Robert Schumann
Carl Maria von Weber
Felix Mendelssohn

Tori and Tallis- 4th and 5th Grade

Historic Living Books
18 Penny Goose
Eyewitness Books Presidents
Seeker of Knowledge
Aurora Means Dawn
The New Nation
America in the Time of George Washington
James Adams Second US President
A Head Full of Notions: Robert Fulton
Robert Fulton From Submarine to Steamboat
Sightseers Paris 1789
I, Crocodile
Abigail Adams Girl of Colonial Days
My Napoleon
The Floating House
The Battle of Waterloo
What's the Deal Jefferson, Napoleon, and the Louisiana Purchase
Abraham Lincoln's World
Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin
The Boy Who Loved to Draw Benjamin West
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Ox Cart Man
The Industrial Revolution
Frontier Living
A World of Knowing
If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution
Our Supreme Court
Shh! We're Signing the Constitution
Daniel's Duck
Meet Thomas Jefferson
What's the Deal? Jefferson, Napoleon, and the Louisiana Purchase
Araminta's Paint Box
The New Nation
Abraham Lincoln's World
How We Crossed the West
The Great Little Madison
The War of 1812
Buffalo Thunder
A Picture Book of Simon Bolivar
Out of Darkness The Story of Louis Braille
The True Story of Johnny Appleseed
A Place Called Freedom
Allen Jay and the Underground Railroad
James Monroe Young Patriot

TOG Projects:
Week 1- Mobile about George Washington
Week 2- Picture Frame Book about Paris in 1789
Week 3- Tri-Fold Book Louisiana Purchase
Week 4- Patch Work Quilt Square Beeethoven
Week 5- Pyramid Pattern Industrial Revolution
Week 6- Desk Top Project Supreme Court/Constitution
Week 7- Layered Book Lewis and Clark/Thomas Jefferson
Week 8- Large Sentence Strips Star Spangled Banner
Week 9- Flower Drinking Cup Describing South America
Week 10- Large Matchbook James Monroe
**Large Bound Book of Famous People during the Napoleonic Era (Washington, Fulton, Napoleon, Beethoven, Jefferson, Dolly Madison, Louis Braille, Simon Bolivar, James Monroe)
** President Cards
** State Cards

Grimm's Fairy Tales
Andersen's Fairy Tales
Savage Sam
Annie Quinn in America

Read Out Louds
The Torchbearer
Carry on Mr. Bowditch

Language Arts
Rod and Staff 4
Learning Language Arts Through Literature Level 4 Orange
Writing Aids Year 4/5 TOG:
The Writing Process
Reviewing Sentences
Reviewing Paragraphs
Improving Your Style
Expository Essays
Study Skills

Considering God's Creation Unit Study:
My Place in the Universe
Our Solar System
Getting to Know the Planets
Our Planet Earth
The Speed of Light, Sound, and Wind
Handbook of Nature Study Weekly Topic with Nature Journal

Saxon 54

Prima Latina
Latin Hymns and Prayers Copybook in Cursive

Contenders/Keeper at Home
Bible (Romans)
Read the Gospels and the Book of Acts
Home Care

Bible (How to Study)
Cake Decorating

Daily Scripture Memory/Review
Tallis-Roman Inductive Study
Tori-How to Study Your Bible for Children Kay Arthur

Fine Arts
KAHS Musical
Neo Classical Art, Music, and Painting
Baroque Period Music
Romantic Movement
Jefferson's Monticello
Francis Scott Key
South American/Latin Art
Franz Schubert
Frederic Chopin
Robert Schumann
Carl Maria von Weber
Felix Mendelssohn

Maison Kindergarten 5
Historic Living Books
The 18 Penny Goose
Seeker of Knowledge
A Head Full of Notions Robert Fulton
Aurora Means Dawn
Eyewitness Books Presidents
I, Crocodile
My Napoleon
The Floating House
The Boy Who Loved to Draw Benjamin West
Ox Cart Man
Frontier Living
The Industrial Revolution
If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution
Our Supreme Court
Shh! We're Signing the Constitution
Daniel's Duck
Meet Thomas Jefferson
Araminta's Paint Box
What's the Deal?
Buffalo Thunder
The War of 1812
James Monroe Young Patriot
Allen Jay and the Underground Railroad

Grimm's Fairy Tales
Andersen's Fairy Tales

Considering God's Creation Unit Study:
My Place in the Universe
Our Solar System
Getting to Know the Planets
Our Planet Earth
The Speed of Light, Sound, and Wind

Handbook of Nature Study Weekly with Nature Journal

MEP Level 1
Rays Arithmetic (Primary)

An Acorn in My Hands
Abeka Readers
How to Tutor
A Handbook for Reading (Abeka)

Writing Aids Level K
How to Tutor
An Acorn in My Hands
Draw Write Now

Daily Memory Scripture/Review
4 Kindness Verses :
Psalm 117:2
I Corinth. 13:4
Eph. 4:32
Prov. 31:26
Bible Reading:

Little Keepers @ Home
Kindness Verses (Bible)
Matthew (Bible)
Cookie Baking

Fine Arts
KAHS Musical
Draw Write Now
Neo CLassical Art, Music, and Painting
Baroque Period Music
Romantic Movement
Jefferson's Monticello
Francis Scott Key
South American/Latin Art
Franz Schubert
Frederic Chopin
Robert Schumann
Carl Maria von Weber
Felix Mendelssohn

Plenty to do it seems! Next will be figuring out a workable daily schedule.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Verse of the Day- 8/13/10

Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?

Galatians 3:3

Being a first-born Type A personality this verse once again stuck out to me this morning. My human efforts are so foolish in light of what God's Spirit can obtain if I just get out of the way. My prayer is that I can just rest in Him and let Him lead me into understanding.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Just Stopping By

I just had the most wonderful talk with my neighbor and her teen daughter who just thought to stop by. I could tell they were wanting to talk and we headed outside for a visit.

It was one of those real talks as we stood outside under the stars. The sun was setting and light was dim. You know how those conditions can lend themselves to a more relaxed conversation.

We discussed life. It's hardships. We discussed churches and pastors. We talked about living for Jesus and not following Christ. We talked about relationships.

They see a lot of hypocrisy with in the church. We talked that out. Why it might be. What it would look like to really follow Jesus.

I'm not sure where this mother and daughter are for sure in their walk.....or if they've definitely begun to walk. But what happened out there under the stars was real. It wasn't religion. It wasn't judgmental. It was sharing and acknowledging that life is hard.

It was confirming that that is why we need Jesus.

Anniversary #17--Love Dare

40 days prior to my anniversary this year, Stu purchased the Love Dare 40 Day Devotional from the Kirksville Christian book store.

I had no idea.....

He had plans to spend the next 40 days reading daily through the book and focusing on me and our marriage.


He journaled at the end of every day, his thoughts about me, his strengths, his weaknesses, his desires and hopes.

He shared that he just wanted to do something lasting. He wanted to prepare his heart for our anniversary this year.

Our marriage has had some very rocky years. I think most couples can relate at some level to that. I thank God that through His transforming power that I have such a servant/leader husband who has given His life to Christ.

I am working my way through the journal. I will take 40 days to read all of his hearts thoughts.

I love his heart. I love so much about him. I feel so treasured and appreciated by him and now I have an entire journal right from the deep parts of his heart to read and treasure always.

This is the best anniversary gift he could have ever thought to have given me. I'm still amazed at the depth of his love and devotion.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Going with God even when it hurts--A Lesson on the Fruits of the Spirit

It all began 4 years ago. "You have farm boys who ride horses. Sign them up for that Rodeo Camp that is coming to Unionville. It's a real rodeo camp. It's also sponsored and ran by Christian Cowboys. We'll even sponsor your two boys fees for this year. Check it out. Give them a call."

I never would have thought 4 years ago that our family would be on this rodeo ride for Christ. I never would have dreamed that I'd be experiencing Christ at rodeo events and that our family could be used as such a witness for Him in this area of life. Never........never......

Stu and I don't ride. As in fearful afraid and never get on. People get a real kick out of that.
Ha ha....
that's what makes this rodeo journey even more God glorifying. So laugh on if you must.

But we indeed sent them that first year, and then the next year, and again and again. Along the way Cole caught the rodeo bug. Bareback bronc to be specific. Two men in particular rallied to his side in full support. We are indebted to Josh Harmon and Paul Sholtz indefinitely for their encouragement and mentorship. (You two are real men of Christ. Your influence of living your life as a poured out vessel for Jesus is shaping eternity in the young people who cross your life's paths. Thank you for your part in showing our boys how to be real men of God.)

Fast forward to summer 2010 and the journey takes a turn from training, instructing and mentoringship to being out on the field playing the game. (or in this case in the arena on a IRCA bucking horse)

And can I say it is rough out there. No longer is the atmosphere 'Christian'. Beer, foul language, tempers, and all the other sins people engage in apart from Christ are present and manifest.

I am so thankful for the dim glimpse that the Holy Spirit gives me when it comes to seeing the spiritual battle that is taking place when we give our day, our lives, our bodies, and all the glory over to the One who deserves it all. If we only stop and look...and see....God is active all around us every day in every way.

This post will be long and possibly dull to some.....but I need to write it down so I can remember. I write not so much for you the reader but for my own book of remembrance.

Going to bed in our large two room stand up tent, I prayed that I could be of use for God the next day. I prayed that I might be like Jesus and see hurting people all around me and be able to offer encouragement. I knew that we faced a day of being around very lost people who would also act like very lost people. I so badly wanted to be used by Him.

Funny, it was all I could do the next day to keep my own attitude in line with what I knew was Christ-like behavior. I was stunned and amazed at the rough beer drinking mommas who screamed at their children and flirted with all the cowboys. I was annoyed by their loud mouths and foul talk. I was impatient with their rudeness and grew angrier and more frustrated with them all moment by moment.

I felt like I was in constant spiritual battle. Every felt like that? Know what I mean? I was in a constant state of prayer. Frustrated and all. I kept right on conversing with God all day long. I could literally feel His presence even through my frown and anger.

I struggled all day fighting the urge to just lower my standards and treat them just as they were treating me. I thought of all kinds of one liners to throw out at them and their behavior. I literally bit down on my back teeth to try and keep my mouth shut.

I went to bed fighting back tears. Some use I was. It was all I could do to manage my own attitude...let alone encourage anyone else.

I was so disappointed in myself, feeling as though I was just of no use to Him. I just didn't know what to think. Rodeo is such a rough place. It's not like hanging out with my homeschool Christian friends and it is way worse than what I usually see at Wal Mart.

Had we heard wrong? Was my family okay being here? Was this a place that a Christian family should even be?

Waking up on the Lord's Day I met with God again. This day is Yours, Lord. Totally, completely Yours. Remove me out of it. I can do nothing good apart from You. Today, I give you my all. I will simply rest in You.

My heart felt clean and fresh. His grace in new every morning. I headed back out into the crowd. I rested in Him. I did nothing.....and yet on this day God was EVERYWHERE I TURNED.

Pulling into day two we set up our big tent. Behind us was our black 11 passenger van with our borrowed old three horse trailer.

We were SO out of place.

It was like everyone there bought exactly the same things.....like to rodeo you must have a Eazy-Up Canopy, new trailer with living quarters and air conditioning ran by generator. You need a professionally trained horse that cost at least $6, 500 or up and to be competitive you should really spend around $20,000 on your ride. (horse) You must wear Cinch brand jeans and Ariat square toed Fat Babies. It is currently fashionable to wear neon green and so must your horse. Hair is to be in a side pony tail. Shoulder length. Got it??

We just stood there taking it all in. Huh.....okay God. Here we go again.

Ughhh, Stu. Does that man look familiar? Oh....and her, and her.

Yep. Confirmed.

Directly to our left and planted behind us, we were surrounded by the kids from our highschool's rodeo team. Except they were no longer kids. They were all traveling together still in $100,000 rigs. Did I mention that they were so rude in highschool and I really didn't like them at all then.....and I was already thinking that I really didn't like them now?

I glanced at their cute little children. They all had 2 a piece. God help me. I waved and smiled. There. Doing okay so far. They stared.

Now my two boys had taken home Grand Champion of the Season JR. Mini Bull and Reserved Grand Champion of the Season Bareback Bronc last evening. My daughters had competed well with much improved times in their five events and while we were proud of them we didn't see this coming........

People were watching us. Like seriously watching us. We had been nobody's; invading their little rodeo social club last month but now they took renewed notice.

Who are these people? How many children do they have? What ages? You broke your own horse? You've never did this before? We notice you all have such pleasant attitudes. Families like yours are just so rare. Did you take a knee out there? Where did you get your training? Bible camp? Fellowship of Christian Cowboys? Christ?.......huh? We've enjoyed watching you today. Will you be back next season?

Like a little bug under a magnifying glass we kept on smiling and talking to them all.

Your day Lord, I rest in You.

I talked kindly and patiently. I smiled and laughed. I didn't try to do or be anything.

I rested.

I kept on talking to God. Okay, so I'm not irritated, rude, angry, or frustrated but seriously, Lord, do you really want us hanging around these lost people? They really need You, true, but I'm still not sure that You have us here. I want You to have us here. I don't want to be here if You don't have us here.

Don't missionaries proclaim the Gospel? Don't we go over seas and rescue hungry children? Isn't that what we do? Build a house, tell a Bible story through translation, carry a large Bible? Do Christians hang out at rodeos? Is there really a ministry here?

Rest in me. I'm trying. I'm smiling. Rest in me. But should we be here, Lord? Tell me? Should we be here? Should we be here?

It's been a long hot day at this point in the story. People are heading towards drunk. The heat has taken its toll. Too many children. Too many horses. Tempers start to flare.......mine along with it.

Finally, Cole is to ride. As I try to tape, the world's most annoying woman, carrying her beer with her, cusses her way up to me at the fence where I stand.


She is going to watch the ride with me. She smells.

I've seen her around. She travels in a semi cab with like an 8 horse trailer with full living quarters. She is rich, rude, and I really dislike her. Lots of bling, alcohol, and colorful language.

I shouldn't be here.

Cole covers his horse. I am so proud.

His goal this time is to be taken off the horse after 8 seconds by the pick up man. He'd been riding 8 seconds and then he's just been hanging on out of sheer will and when the buzzer sounds he has been getting thrown.

Getting thrown is dangerous. Dismount onto the pick up man. That's why he is there...to keep you safe.

The whistle sounds. He made it! And look! He is getting on the pickup man. I almost turn off the camera to cheer, when I suddenly see my son flying backwards through the air.

NOOOOOO!!!!!! What just happened? Many at first aren't sure. Then the realization that the pickup man had begun to let him off his horse directly behind the still kicking bronc! Cole had been kicked squarely and knocked off hard.

People begin to holler and cuss. It's the pickup man's fault. Get him out of there. He is no good. This has happened with him too many times.

People are angry....I get angry. Yeah, that's my son. He should know what he is doing. It's his fault.

The smell of beer reminds me of the woman standing with me. She is so angry. She is yelling at the pickup man. She is telling me all of his faults. Her language is beyond colorful.

I've got to get to my son. I see that he is standing but, Oh God, he is bleeding from his face. Oh please God, not his handsome face.

I shouldn't be here. I hate it here. I've got to get to my son.

The woman realizes I am close to panic and tears. She gently touches my arm. You go to your son, she says. I will stay here and watch your little ones. She looks me right in the eyes. She is tender, she wants to help.

I have a choice to make. I want to say are you crazy? You drunken fool of a woman get out of my way, as I drag my children behind me in a panic to get behind the chutes.

Rest in me.

Okay....Thank you. I've got to go to him. Tori, help this lady with the little ones. Stay here with her.

I've got it under control the lady says to me.

I turn and all but run to the chutes.

God, God, God. I can't take anymore. I'm so tired. I'm so hot. These people are so rough. I don't know if we should be here. Cole is hurt God. Cole is hurt God. That (------) pick up man. Oh God. That man has hurt my son. Cole did everything right. He shouldn't be hurt.

Getting to Cole I try not to make a huge mom scene. Cole, are your teeth still in? Cole look at me? Are your teeth still in? Honey, are you okay?

He is shaking uncontrollably. He is shaking. He is shaking. Oh God. Cole, are you okay?

He answers me finally, what happened, mom?

Oh honey, the pickup man let you go too soon behind the bronc's hooves. You were kicked off. Are you okay? Everyone is so upset at that man. Look! He is leaving the arena. He put his horse up and left. Good! They say he is no good. Get that man out of here.

I'm pleased at the justice.

And then my son looks right at me. Through his shaking. Through the blood flowing from his busted mouth he says:

Mom, please. Please don't let them blame the pick up man. It wasn't his fault. I should have jumped later. I should have gotten further on. Tell them not to blame him. Go tell them it was my fault.

Rest in me.

I'm pondering this as I walk back to my kids. The half drunk lady is still there. She is so proud of herself for helping me.

I don't hate her anymore. I'm just too humbled. Something big has just happened and I'm not sure what.

I tell her thank you. I tell her Cole is okay. She starts in again on that blankety blank blank pick up man.

I tell her. My son says not to blame that man. He says he takes the blame. He says it was his fault. I tell her no. He says not to bash the man. He was only trying to help.

She shuts up. She looks at me in utter disbelief. Huh?

I left her then. I was close to having a complete break down.

God I can't take it. I can't take watching my son bleed. I can't take looking at his beatings. I am too weak. I can't take it.

Surely You don't want for my son to bleed. Surely You don't want for him to continue to get hurt. Surely you don't want us to be here. This is not responsible. This is not safe.

Tallis is up next. Him and his little friend Chace. Such a cute kid. But he doesn't stand a chance. his mom is one of those beer drinking screaming women.Stu has seen her make him cry over forgetting his glove. My heart breaks for this little guy.

I give him soda, cold lemonade, a snack, a big smile. I touch his shoulder when I talk to him. I tell him good job and pat him on the back.

I try to show him love.

Tallis sees that Chace has it hard. He tells me he is thankful that I am his mom. I smile at him.

I still don't know if we should be here.

Tallis' turn to ride. He covers. He wins.

Chace's turn.

Tallis takes him to the corner of the chute.

We've got to pray, Chace. Let's pray God will give you courage. Let's pray that you can ride for His glory.

Tallis!!...... Do you always pray with Chace before you ride?

Yep mom. Every time. He likes me to pray with him. You should pray for his mom, mom.

Tallis goes up to ask for his winnings. He is yelled at by a nasty hot mama to get out and come back later. She makes him cry. The tough little man can ride a bull with courage but a grown mother screams at him and makes him cry.

That is enough! I'm going up there to tell these people that we are never coming back to this rodeo again. It is NOT family friendly as they promote. I'm hot. I've had enough.

Cole steps in front of me. Mom, you are hot and short tempered. You won't say anything right now like this that will make a difference. Please don't go up there. Please just let it go.

Cole, move out of my way. I am 34 years old. This is a time to step up and say something. Let me through.

No, mom.

I stand there and stew. I mean, what am I gonna do? Push my way around him? Spank him? He is right....and I know it......he is really making me mad. I stand there and stew some more.

I look up at his face. It is all swollen. Dried blood splattered all around. A large rip in his shirt. Bruises. He took a beaten.

Oh God.

Oh God. You watched Your Son get beaten. You watched Him take the blame. You know how I hurt. I'm not strong enough, God. I'm not strong enough. Help me. Help me rest in You if You want us to be here.

You tell us to run with perseverance the race marked out for us. (Heb. 12:1) Is this the right course for us, Lord? Is this our family's race? At least in this season? Help me rest in You, if You want us to be here.

Phillipians 1:29 For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for Him. Suffer? Not be comfortable? To take a beating? To do so as people watch. To do so as people notice you aren't like the world. Glory to You.

Jesus, You tell us to become like servants. Like slaves. A Christian is never guaranteed success, health, safety. We are told to expect hardship when we follow You. Everything in me wants to run, wants to avoid this. This could hurt. My son could get hurt. I'm scared.

Let us be fully in this world but not of it. There are not many Christians where You have taken us Lord. But thank you for opening my eyes so that I could see. Thank You for answering my question. Thank You for giving me a sense of peace about where we are and what we are doing.

I pray as I hang on to You, as I rest in You. I pray that You will be glorified.

Thank you for showing me.....through my children, Lord, what it means to give it all to You. To show love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.

Doing good matters, even if it appears to go unnoticed. No good deed done will be left unrewarded.

Thank you, Mr. Paul Sholtz for the reminder that whatever we do we should pour it out as a love offering to You, Lord.

Thank You for this spiritual lesson.....at a rodeo. Help me to have the joy of the Lord where ever it is that you have me. I want to answer Your call. Whatever, where ever, that might be. Even thought I know it is going to be tough. Even though I know it will hurt. Even if everything in me says to run away from the pain.

Thank You for assuring me that I am right where I should be when I am right with You. Help me to continue to do less and be more.