Wednesday, August 18, 2010

MOTH Schedule for 2010-2011

Frantically, I've been working this week on putting together from scratch some kind of order and sanity as our school year officially starts this coming Monday. I've chosen to use Terri Maxwell's Managers of Their Homes this year.

I don't think I've used a full fledged colored tabs MOTH chart since Tori was in Kindergarten.

Funny, how that comes full circle.

Maisi starts Kindergarten this year and my security in teaching five children in three different stages of learning comes in the form of this organizational tool.

The other years I've used various forms of scheduling which are 'looser' but yet still gives us some structure.

With a Visionary husband, over-scheduling has never been a good option for our family. To balance this, our day while Stu is gone is a lot more structured than the evenings when he is home.

I've got to admit, I'm excited. Really excited about school starting.

We gave our schedule a trial run yesterday.

WoW! What a difference. So much got done with such little whining.

The schedule 'said' we had to do it, so there was not balking at the work.

The only problem I foresee, is laziness on my part. It just feels good to do what I want. Know what I mean?


  1. Looks awesome--wanna come update mine???

    Cracking up that C and W have empty spots.

    Love the Imperial MOTH caterpillar--with your MOTH schedule--I know, I'm weird.

  2. You are weird. Giggle...who else would have caught that?!

    Great picture studying detail you have.

    C & W said, "Seriously, Mom. We can schedule ourselves. And we are not going to post our lives on the wall for all our friends to see."

    Okay then, it'll be good for them to juggle all their responsibilities on their own. Good life prep.

  3. Another reminder of how much older they're getting, eh? You've put a lot of work into your schedule!

  4. Glad you finally got it finished! Looks great.
