Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New School Room Pics

Here's a few snapshots (that didn't turn out to well...ugh digital cameras) of our new home school room.

We've remodeled this summer and flipped the dining room and living room spaces.

Plans for a kitchen and laundry room switch to come this winter.

The new rooms feel so 'right.' Like how come we never did this long before now?

With all book reorganized and all shelving in new homes, we are finally settled in.

Having the new room to school in is adding to the children's excitement as they anticipate their first day of school next Monday.

Can I tell you that having all our books and supplies organized in such a fun new way has built my excitement too?


  1. This looks great. I really want to come see it in person :)

  2. It really does look SO AMAZING in person!!! Bummer on the fuzzy pics--but it makes me feel better to see you get some turn out like that too (I thought it was just me! ha!). I'm so impressed with Stu's vision--I just love the way it turned out.

  3. Looks GREAT! Can't wait to see it. :) PS: Thanks for the book.
