Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Day of School Pictures 2010-11

These two are Juniors this year. The sand is running out for me. I am pleased with their devotion to Christ and how it is reflected daily in their lives. Colton Stuart has picked up High School Rodeo to round out his academics this year.

Here are my darling upper elementary aged students. Tallis Dayne is in 4th grade and his sister Victoria IvaMae Rose is in 5th. This stage is one of my favorites. There is no pressure to get them reading because we've crossed that hurdle all ready. The subjects they are learning don't stretch my brain and they are so eager to learn and please.

This is my younger crowd. Maison Christine Elizabeth is a full fledged Kindergartener while Zayne Cael follows along behind her getting what he can at his age. Nevaeh Mistina Fay is right in the middle of it all. When I have Maisi and Zayne stand up to recite their memory verses she jumps up off of her blanket and yells me, me, me!!! Then proceeds to tell me her baby talk version of Psalms 117 verse 2.

Stu insisted that the teacher needed to be in the class photo.

Wyatt Austin's sparkling personality keeps our school day light and joyful. Hard to be upset or overly serious with this firecracker around. (Good luck to any teacher that might have him in an outside class this year. I will pray for you. You'll need some extra energy to keep up with this one. But you won't want for a smile:)

Tori said there was no way she could open her eyes with the sun shining directly into them but Wyatt was sure this would be the best school photo ever with this back drop.

I pray for spiritual strength, physical strength, and mental strength for this upcoming year. Week #1 has proved to be an absolute delight. I love their hearts. I love it that I am able to spend such wonderful quality time with them. I love to read to them and with them. I love to share in our learning together.

Thank you God for giving me more in my life than I could ever have asked for. Thank you for knowing what is best for us. I can do all things through Your Son who strengthens me.


  1. Sounds like you're off to a good start :)

  2. Love the pictures! Love your prayers for teachers of outside classes (giggle) Chuckling at Cole's height standing next to you.

    And I love the way you educate your children--the way you sacrifice to give your very best to them. I love the way you learn WITH them and talk with them and ENJOY them.

    I love the way you recognize this "job" is really a huge blessing from God. You encourage and inspire me. May God richly bless your time and efforts this school year.

  3. Shonya,

    I must say that if I home schooled to hear man's praises I would have stopped before I began.

    But your comment touched my heart today. My spirit and body can get tired.

    Thank you for noticing.
    Thank you for encouraging.

    You are a great encouragement to me as well.

    We have both been richly blessed.

    May we both not grow weary in doing the work set before us.

    Love to ya.

  4. We all need some encouragement to persevere every once in a while. Love you too! :)
