Friday, August 27, 2010

The Outsiders

Anyone care to guess what our first week's literature choice was? So who do you think is who? Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis, Darry Curtis, Dallas Winston?


  1. LAUGHING. OUT. LOUD!!!!!!!

    But alas, where is Cole??? And are you Cherry? giggle, giggle--wanted to see a ponytail and poodle skirt!!

  2. Cole stood off to the side saying, "Are you guys serious? No way am I being a greaser, man."

    I have such a hard time taking these guys serious. They've worn their hair all greasy-like all day. I patted Zayne's head absent-mindlessly as an 'atta boy' and my hand came back covered in hair gel (grease!)He smiled so big....he loved it!

  3. Wyatt said that he never thought a book could be as good as "Where the Red Fern Grows" but now recants that "The Outsiders" just might be.

    He LOVED LOVED LOVED this book. A great 'hooker' of a literature choice for the first week of school.

    Next, weeks choice: "The Scarlett Pimpernel"---said to be the original Zorro, Batman, and The Lone Ranger.

    Can't you just see them all in masked disguise?

  4. Absolutely precious!! And so glad the book was a hit with Wyatt--what a great way to start the school year! It was a fun summer read for me, Briana, and Destry!

    LMK if The Scarlett Pimpernel is something I need to read--I've never read it! :)
