Saturday, August 14, 2010

Curricululm Choices for 2010-2011--Unit 1 TOG

I don't think I can lose this if I post it here. Much better than writing it on post it notes and then misplacing them. Giggle.

Cole and Wyatt 11th grade Juniors

TOG- (Unit Study Including History, Geography, Literature/Poetry, Government, Church History, World View, Philosophy, Fine Arts, and Writing)

Unit 1 Napoleon's World

The dominant thread, or theme of Year 3 will be 'sowing and reaping.' Humanist thinking has been tended and nurtured since the Renaissance, while the Word of God has been largely neglected. As we study history this year will be watching in dismay as again and again men choose to sow in the flesh and walk in the light of their own torches.

Key Year 3 Verses
Galatians 6:7-9 Do not be deceived: God is cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction.; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Isaiah 50:10-11 Who among you fears the Lord and obeys the word of his servant: Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God. But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches, go walk in the light of your fires and of the torches you have set ablaze. This is what you shall receive from my hand; You will lie down in torment.

Weekly Topics for Unit 1 (10 weeks to complete using Living Historical Books, Biographies, and Primary Source Documents)
French Revolution
Industrial Revolution
German Idealism replaces the Enlightenment
Supreme Court
Jefferson Democracy/Jeffersonian Age
War of 1812
Great Little Madison
Simon Bolivar and South America
James Monroe and the Monroe Doctrine
Congress of Vienna
Congress System

The Tale of Two Cities
The Scarlett Pimpernel
The Outsiders
Beethoven Lives Upstairs
1776 The Musical
West Side Story
Pride and Prejudice

Literature Choices:
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emma Orczy
Poetry by William Blake
Poetry by William Wordsworth
The Giver by Lois Lowry
God Smuggler by Brother Andrew
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christy
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Romantic Poets (Various)
Faust by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Historical Living Books
John Adams Public Servant
Tale of Two Cities (adapted)
Sightseers Paris 1789
Robert Fulton From Submarine to Steamboat
The Battle of Waterloo
The Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier
The Gift of Music
The Industrial Revolution
Frontier Living
The Supreme Court
If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution
Shh! We're Signing the Constitution
Thomas Jefferson Architect of Democracy
America in the Time of Lewis and Clark
Beyond the Mississippi
The Jefferson Way
The Great Little Madison
The War of 1812
James Madison Fourth Pres. of the USA
The Congress of Vienna
James Monroe Fifth Pres of the USA
Abraham Lincoln's World

Animal Science with Lab
Unit 1 Physiology
Cellular Biology and Animal Taxonomy
Biology of Growth and Development
Muscle and Meat Biology
Biology of Digestion
Biology of Reproduction
Ethology Animal Behavior and Welfare

Algebra II with Dive DVD's


Daily Devotions from SAT for the Christian Student
Scripture from TOG
Daily Scripture Memory/Review
Translations of Old Testament Latin/English/Latin

English 11
Communications Class (outside class)
Writing Aids Year 11/TOG:
Review Writing Process
Improving Editing and Proofing
Reviewing Sentences
Building Paragraphs
Improving Your Style
Taking Reading and Lecture Notes
Analytical Essays
Study Skills
Expository Essays/Tests
College Application Essays

The Federalist Papers
God and Government Volume II Developing a Biblical Worldview by Gary de Mar
TOG-Kant, Rationalism, Empiricism, Descartes, Locke, Hume, Schleiermacher, liberalism, cult of progress, Hegel, Marxism, Communism, Neitszche, James Mill, Utilitarianism

Lingua Biblica (Old Testament Latin Translations)
Book of Roots (Advanced Vocabulary from Latin Roots)

ACT Prep
Barrons ACT Prep Book
ACT in a box
SAT for the Christian Student

Fine Arts
KAHS Drama Club
Neo CLassical Art, Music, and Painting
Baroque Period Music
Romantic Movement
Jefferson's Monticello
Francis Scott Key
South American/Latin Art
Franz Schubert
Frederic Chopin
Robert Schumann
Carl Maria von Weber
Felix Mendelssohn

Tori and Tallis- 4th and 5th Grade

Historic Living Books
18 Penny Goose
Eyewitness Books Presidents
Seeker of Knowledge
Aurora Means Dawn
The New Nation
America in the Time of George Washington
James Adams Second US President
A Head Full of Notions: Robert Fulton
Robert Fulton From Submarine to Steamboat
Sightseers Paris 1789
I, Crocodile
Abigail Adams Girl of Colonial Days
My Napoleon
The Floating House
The Battle of Waterloo
What's the Deal Jefferson, Napoleon, and the Louisiana Purchase
Abraham Lincoln's World
Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin
The Boy Who Loved to Draw Benjamin West
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Ox Cart Man
The Industrial Revolution
Frontier Living
A World of Knowing
If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution
Our Supreme Court
Shh! We're Signing the Constitution
Daniel's Duck
Meet Thomas Jefferson
What's the Deal? Jefferson, Napoleon, and the Louisiana Purchase
Araminta's Paint Box
The New Nation
Abraham Lincoln's World
How We Crossed the West
The Great Little Madison
The War of 1812
Buffalo Thunder
A Picture Book of Simon Bolivar
Out of Darkness The Story of Louis Braille
The True Story of Johnny Appleseed
A Place Called Freedom
Allen Jay and the Underground Railroad
James Monroe Young Patriot

TOG Projects:
Week 1- Mobile about George Washington
Week 2- Picture Frame Book about Paris in 1789
Week 3- Tri-Fold Book Louisiana Purchase
Week 4- Patch Work Quilt Square Beeethoven
Week 5- Pyramid Pattern Industrial Revolution
Week 6- Desk Top Project Supreme Court/Constitution
Week 7- Layered Book Lewis and Clark/Thomas Jefferson
Week 8- Large Sentence Strips Star Spangled Banner
Week 9- Flower Drinking Cup Describing South America
Week 10- Large Matchbook James Monroe
**Large Bound Book of Famous People during the Napoleonic Era (Washington, Fulton, Napoleon, Beethoven, Jefferson, Dolly Madison, Louis Braille, Simon Bolivar, James Monroe)
** President Cards
** State Cards

Grimm's Fairy Tales
Andersen's Fairy Tales
Savage Sam
Annie Quinn in America

Read Out Louds
The Torchbearer
Carry on Mr. Bowditch

Language Arts
Rod and Staff 4
Learning Language Arts Through Literature Level 4 Orange
Writing Aids Year 4/5 TOG:
The Writing Process
Reviewing Sentences
Reviewing Paragraphs
Improving Your Style
Expository Essays
Study Skills

Considering God's Creation Unit Study:
My Place in the Universe
Our Solar System
Getting to Know the Planets
Our Planet Earth
The Speed of Light, Sound, and Wind
Handbook of Nature Study Weekly Topic with Nature Journal

Saxon 54

Prima Latina
Latin Hymns and Prayers Copybook in Cursive

Contenders/Keeper at Home
Bible (Romans)
Read the Gospels and the Book of Acts
Home Care

Bible (How to Study)
Cake Decorating

Daily Scripture Memory/Review
Tallis-Roman Inductive Study
Tori-How to Study Your Bible for Children Kay Arthur

Fine Arts
KAHS Musical
Neo Classical Art, Music, and Painting
Baroque Period Music
Romantic Movement
Jefferson's Monticello
Francis Scott Key
South American/Latin Art
Franz Schubert
Frederic Chopin
Robert Schumann
Carl Maria von Weber
Felix Mendelssohn

Maison Kindergarten 5
Historic Living Books
The 18 Penny Goose
Seeker of Knowledge
A Head Full of Notions Robert Fulton
Aurora Means Dawn
Eyewitness Books Presidents
I, Crocodile
My Napoleon
The Floating House
The Boy Who Loved to Draw Benjamin West
Ox Cart Man
Frontier Living
The Industrial Revolution
If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution
Our Supreme Court
Shh! We're Signing the Constitution
Daniel's Duck
Meet Thomas Jefferson
Araminta's Paint Box
What's the Deal?
Buffalo Thunder
The War of 1812
James Monroe Young Patriot
Allen Jay and the Underground Railroad

Grimm's Fairy Tales
Andersen's Fairy Tales

Considering God's Creation Unit Study:
My Place in the Universe
Our Solar System
Getting to Know the Planets
Our Planet Earth
The Speed of Light, Sound, and Wind

Handbook of Nature Study Weekly with Nature Journal

MEP Level 1
Rays Arithmetic (Primary)

An Acorn in My Hands
Abeka Readers
How to Tutor
A Handbook for Reading (Abeka)

Writing Aids Level K
How to Tutor
An Acorn in My Hands
Draw Write Now

Daily Memory Scripture/Review
4 Kindness Verses :
Psalm 117:2
I Corinth. 13:4
Eph. 4:32
Prov. 31:26
Bible Reading:

Little Keepers @ Home
Kindness Verses (Bible)
Matthew (Bible)
Cookie Baking

Fine Arts
KAHS Musical
Draw Write Now
Neo CLassical Art, Music, and Painting
Baroque Period Music
Romantic Movement
Jefferson's Monticello
Francis Scott Key
South American/Latin Art
Franz Schubert
Frederic Chopin
Robert Schumann
Carl Maria von Weber
Felix Mendelssohn

Plenty to do it seems! Next will be figuring out a workable daily schedule.


  1. Giggle, giggle, giggle

    This very topic is on my list of upcoming blog posts!! It looks GREAT, my friend!! What a good feeling for you to have it all laid out so nicely. Have a wonderful year, and don't forget to keep what's most important, most important! :) (you know I'm speaking to myself, chuckle)

  2. Oooh Shonya, Can't wait to see your choices in black and white as well.

    Thanks for the encouragement. It is always appreciated.

    I am so very excited for this first 10 weeks. I really am liking this 4 unit school year.

    Breaks it down into manageable goals with a sense of accomplishment when met. Little bite sized chunks doesn't seem to make it feel so large and looming.

    I appreciated a special prayer for all teachers and students at Sunday Meeting today. I know we could really use the prayer.

    Keeping you and yours in our prayers as well. Love to ya.

  3. Looks like a great plan! I'm restraining myself from jumping right in and googling a few things you've got listed. :)

  4. I admire your restraint, Lorri! I don't know if I have it when it comes to books.

    Are things ready for the great kindergarten kick-off at your house?

    If you have any questions or just want to chat schooling, let me know. It's one of my favorite things to talk about.

    Cheers to a great school year.

  5. We started last week. :) With a daddy who teaches, we picked his first day back at inservice time to get started. She's been enjoying the devoted mom time that comes along with schooling at this level. :) I'll definitely be bending your ear as the year goes on!

  6. Lorri,

    Oohh! You have a week under your belt already. Good for you!

    Cherish every moment of this special time....18 years goes by in a blink.

    You have everything you need as a parent to be a successful teacher to your children. Never let the Enemy convince you of doubt.

    Praying for you!
