Friday, August 13, 2010

Verse of the Day- 8/13/10

Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?

Galatians 3:3

Being a first-born Type A personality this verse once again stuck out to me this morning. My human efforts are so foolish in light of what God's Spirit can obtain if I just get out of the way. My prayer is that I can just rest in Him and let Him lead me into understanding.


  1. Thanks for that verse, Misti. It went right along with what God was speaking to me about today.

  2. Oh, I sure need to have that one posted a lot of days!

  3. ah, you mean Galatians 3:3--was wondering what translation you were using, b/c it just didn't seem to mean the same thing! :)

    But excellent thought--in my life I have seen Him take me time and time again beyond what I can do in my own strength to teach me this lesson!

  4. Might be nice if I have the right book of the Bible, huh? I've been studying Galatians for like a month now. Why in the world would I put Ephesians?

    Thanks friend, I'll slip in an edit.
