Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Just Stopping By

I just had the most wonderful talk with my neighbor and her teen daughter who just thought to stop by. I could tell they were wanting to talk and we headed outside for a visit.

It was one of those real talks as we stood outside under the stars. The sun was setting and light was dim. You know how those conditions can lend themselves to a more relaxed conversation.

We discussed life. It's hardships. We discussed churches and pastors. We talked about living for Jesus and not following Christ. We talked about relationships.

They see a lot of hypocrisy with in the church. We talked that out. Why it might be. What it would look like to really follow Jesus.

I'm not sure where this mother and daughter are for sure in their walk.....or if they've definitely begun to walk. But what happened out there under the stars was real. It wasn't religion. It wasn't judgmental. It was sharing and acknowledging that life is hard.

It was confirming that that is why we need Jesus.

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