Sunday, August 22, 2010

Downing Rodeo

Downing Rodeo was a disappointment to Cole. He drew a large strong bucking horse and right away knew that he had a good chance at taking home the money this weekend. The score to beat was a 69 from the previous night. The money pot was over $300.

He rode his required 8 seconds, but to everyone's dismay the Judges were in a disagreement over his 'mark out.' A mark out is where the rider's spurs are to be right upon the shoulders of his horse as he exits the gate. Cole's never missed his mark out before, and tonight was really not the night to do so!

A missed his mark out was called, and with that Cole lost his dream of the $$$$$. He took home a no score. The ride would have beat the 69 score if only it had qualified.

I was proud that he remained calm and under control. He went to pick up his rigging from the back chutes and found that the chute helpers had cut off his latigo. That is the long leather strap that holds his rigging to the horse. Instead of untying it, they had just cut it off with their knives simply because of laziness and no respect for his equipment.

Cole works hard all week to pay for his rodeoing. He pays for all his own equipment. He can't ride without a full length latigo, which he needs for next weekend. He'll have to replace that out of his own pocket now.

The video has been passed around to many hands. Not sure if he missed his mark out or not. He'd sure like to know to make sure that this never happens again. He feels like he had it. However, now knows that he can leave no error into the judges being able to call it otherwise.

The kids were tickled to have their friends AND the mud to play in. This is a small taste of what us mother's had to deal with as we loaded them into the cars. Mud, mud, everywhere was mud.

Not a place for flip flops, mind you:) If you didn't wear your boots, vendors were there to sell you a pair. (Okay, an inside joke to my flip flop friend...giggle.)

Colton is looking into riding High School Rodeo this fall. A college rodeo scout has been given Cole's name to come and watch this coming season. Big, dollar scholarships if they want you to come and ride for their college team. We'll see....he is still trying to sort out what he wants to do with his life and what God has planned for him.

If you think of rodeos or horses send a prayer up for Cole and our family. It would be appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Bummer for Cole--learned his lesson, though, and that's one mistake he won't make again! chuckle Seems life just works that way, huh!

    Love the mud pics--you are so fast!!!

    Don't you know, my flip flops are so "all that!" They match with EVERYTHING (hey, they're orange after all!) and are appropriate for every social setting. giggle, giggle

    I am praying for you and Cole as you seek God's perfect will.
