Thursday, November 11, 2010

Jehova Jireh

Jehova Jireh--God is our Provider

From last weeks Sunday sermon I am still pondering the thoughts of Jehova Jireh, God is our Provider. And as I've pondered this name of God I've seen God meet me in many ways to show me that He is just that.

God has His perfect timing. Always the right time and the right place, never late but it sure seems that He is often not early. He does not work on our timetables but rather there is a testing of our faith as we wait patiently on Him. This helps us to produce fruit.

In order for God to be our provider we must come to Him with our needs. Often we don't think we have any needs because we are so busy providing for ourselves. We have to let go and let God as the saying goes.

Abraham encountered Jehova Jireh on Mount Moriah. (Genesis 22) He was willing to let go of his most prized posession, his son Isaac. I I have an Isaac? Is there something in my life or maybe many things in my life that God would call me to lay down? Abraham was willing to praise God in sacrifice before He saw God come through for him in provision. Seeing God as Jehova Jira involves our obedience in faith.

Often in the Bible we see that when God came through for His children they would build an altar of remembrance to remind them of the great thing God had done. That is my purpose in this blog post. I want it to be my altar of remembrance for Jehova Jireh.

This past week I have seen God provide financially for our family. I have seen God provide encouragement at just the right moment of my darkest despair. I have seen God provide prayer and compassion through His people, His Church. I have seen God provide clothing; four sacks of maternity name brand clothing at a thrift store that came in just ten minutes before I walked in asking if they had a maternity section for I was in need of bigger clothes. I have seen God provide educational books and a new baby sling that won't pull on my sore arms and shoulder when the new baby arrives. I have seen God provide a weekly time of prayer to meet with Him in complete silence. I have seen Him provide time with a dear Christian mentor from my childhood till present who I don't see often and was blessed by her encouragement, laughter, and the retelling of old stories. I've seen God provide a weekly Bible study where the goal is not just for me to grow but for me to help others grow in Christ.

I have seen Jehova Jireh this week. God is my provider. I have seen Him provide.


  1. I am *SO* glad you have seen Jehova Jireh this week! I know what you mean about Him providing--always--but rarely in advance! chuckle Was that a lesson from Harold? Sounds wonderful and timely!!

    And your comments about Isaac are scarily (is that a word?!) in tune with a blog post in my drafts folder about idolatry!!

    "Abraham was willing to praise God in sacrifice before He saw God come through for him in provision."~~~~ WOW!!! One of those quotes I have to stop and let sink into my mind and heart. Thank you!!

  2. I'm so glad you're sharing again your alters of remembrance. Abraham knew God could bring the dead back to life (Heb 11:19) and he relied on Him to provide. Thanks for the reminder. Enjoy your "educational books" :)

  3. what an awesome God we serve NOTHING is to big for Him!!!
