Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thoughts of Health

It's scary when the right side of your body goes numb and heavy. When you pant from exhaustion when simply walking from one room to another. When your heart races while even resting.

Slows you down to a tortoise pace.

Helps to sort the trivial from the important.

Fills your mind with the wonderment of 'what's wrong?'

I've always been a healthy person. At 34 years of age I never would have expected to wake up and feel like one hundred. And the question for the last two weeks has been 'what's wrong?'

For sure we know that my Vitamin D was way too low. Prescription strength Vitaman D in large weekly doses will try to bring the level back up. But is that alone what is wrong?

Multiple Sclerosis is a strong suspicion. My mother has this disease and so does a dear cousin of mine. Testing is expensive and often very hard to accurately diagnose at the early stage.

For now we are going to treat these issues as MS related.

What makes a person's immune system turn on its own nervous system? Doctors don't know. There is no cure for MS. However, vitamins and a complete diet over-haul are in the works. It's a great place to start.

And then we wait. We watch over the next few years to see if these problems keep surfacing. And in the mean time I ask you all to pray.

II Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind."

Pray this over me my friends. God has this under His control. Help me to turn this pain into something beautiful that glorifies Him. That is what we live for. It's the most important amongst the trivial.


  1. I so want to give you a hug! Glory to God.

  2. Amanda, I feel your hug and it feels good. Love ya.

  3. hugs and prayers and availabilty to help is what I am offering.......

  4. Von, and it is a huge love offering. Thank you!

  5. Mmmmm, just checked your blog after emailing you!! OK, so you know I am praying without ceasing, as are Alan and Briana. Live for the Lord, grow in Him, my friend! Yet another reminder that this world is not my home--my citizenship is in heaven. I'm with you every step of the way. Don't be afraid or too proud to lean. :) Sending much love.

  6. Thanks Shonya.

    I haven't been up to any company. It's all I can do to get done what has to be done. I've used the computer and phone to reach out and I have church and Bible study as my two outings to connect with people right now.

    I am blessed to realize that I only told my closest Christian friends to pray for me and when I stopped to count them up they totaled 11! What a blessing the body of Christ is!!! I can't thank God enough for these special friends in my life who care and pray.

    The Vitamin D has took the tingling and numbness away. My legs and arms are moving now.....but oh oh oh how they ache....way down deep into the bone.

    I feel like I constantly am fighting off the urge to cry at any given second. It just hurts so deep like my whole body is one big purple bruise.

    Not quite my giggly fun self my friend. Definitely a valley time. There is a season for everything.

    Thanks for your love, prayers, and concern. I treasure your friendship.

    Give me a call if you get a minute and we'll chat some more.

  7. Here is a cyber {{{hug}}} so I won't hurt you. I love you, you know--giggles or not. My family is weird--we get through the tough times strangely--sometimes with inappropriate (from anyone else's perspective) jokes. Remind me to share some of the craziness Sheldon and I would talk about--Marcy really just didn't get how our family deals! chuckle

    I'm glad the tingling and numbness are gone, but so, so sorry for the ache. I already spent time in prayer for you today, for your comfort, peace, and the joy of the Lord, but I'm feeling moved to pray for you again now.
